There appears to be a notion that after college, the learning stops and we finally begin focusing on solely the ‘work’. I mean, that’s why we go to college, correct? Our days post college are pretty routine. Work life consists of similar tasks that apply skills we have utilized for quite some time. Sounds like […]
How to Add Noticeable Value in the Workplace
In today’s modern and tech forward world, competition is abundant. What a unique period in our history, as knowledge can be easily contracted from a simple google search. Skills that previously took years of professional study, can now be developed online at a fraction of the price. As great as this is for business […]
Homework Help for Children Lacking Concentration
Children can have a hard time concentrating for many reasons. Children with ADD/ADHD have a particularly hard time not getting distracted, so homework can be quite the challenge for them. Other children may be distracted for other reasons, maybe they are having a hard time understanding the material so they can’t concentrate, or maybe there […]